Hardware to Manufacture Personal Protection Equipment
Romefast stands ready with MADE IN USA metal hardware components for PPE masks, shields,
facemasks, suits, gloves and other Personal Protective Equipment for the COVID-19 outbreak.
We have large inventories of Aluminum Nose Crimps (aka Nose Stays), Brass Nose Bars, Rivets, Snaps,
and other hardware in stock and ready to ship.
Nose Crimps and Bars
We have Aluminum Nose Crimp strips and Brass Nose Bar strips that can be cut to order.
Click here to see options

3 3/8" X 3/8"
Can be made in any length
Snap Fasteners
STOCK ITEMS. We have a large inventory of items ready to ship.
Click here to see options.
KWIK Rivets
MANY SIZES STOCKED. We have a large inventory of items ready to ship.
Click here to see options.